{Self-Love & Healing}
Embody your Soul Essence, your Wild Wisdom.
Enjoy your Freedom. Live Beauty Embraced.
I'm on a little break. I'll be back soon with passion.

Unveil your soul essence!
Your soul's wisdom and intuition is your key to happiness. Slowing down. Being present to life's subtleties. To Lushness! To your own Wild Wisdom. Awakening to soul consciousness, to Self-Love, opens up a whole new dimension to you, as the unfurling unlocks your life of bliss, bounty, and unsurpassed beauty. Your Soul is truly pulsating behind the veils.

Deep down YOU KNOW the way!
Through Self-love and Compassion
Deep Connection with Nature
Re-aligning with the Cycles and Rhythms of Earth
Through Healing the Sisterhood Wound
Deep Spiritual Simplicity
Beauty & Creativity
Listening to the Wisdom of Your Subtle Energy Body
Through Pleasure & Passion
And Oceans of Joy
& Full-Blown Sensuousness!
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“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
― Anaïs Nin
See you soon radiant star!
I'm here for you, my sensitive, beautiful earth sisters of all ages who are feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled, in discovering your strong brilliant essence ♡ I was a tired, wiped-out people-pleasing spiritual entrepreneur, who felt my sensitivity was not welcomed at all in this life! I suffered deeply because of it and had conditioned myself to the brink of self-extinction.
Then a little miracle washed over me ~ a divine encouraging whisper reached me from my core, which resulted in me deciding that enough was enough and from that day I dedicated myself to go deeper and devote myself to everyday self-compassion practices. That decision was a game-changer!
Today I'm feeling so much better! Of course, the journey of life continues, with its ups and downs, but I've reclaimed my former self, who was a courageous, creative, and confident woman. But what's even better, is that I've even gone beyond that former self-identity, and unveiled my authentic core-self. Today I can truly say I embody my soul essence.
That's why I'm so enthusiastic about showing you what worked for me, and how you can heal and empower yourself by relaxing into your own true nature and rhythms, your own Wild Wisdom and Lush Divinity. By celebrating your sensitivity instead of hiding it!
Why am I so passionate about being here for you? Because I know how it feels like to be constantly exhausted, and feel like an outsider in one's own life, standing at the outskirts, looking in.
Unveiling and embodying my wild wisdom and soul essence through aligning with true natural rhythms is how I managed to transform myself from being this tired, wiped-out woman to becoming wholly myself again - and a deeply happier and healthier myself. A radiant soulful woman full of life.
Now I'm more myself than ever, I trust myself and accept myself. I'm warm and fun-loving and brimming with life force energy. Like everyone, I have my ups and downs, but what is constant is my trust in life and my trust in myself. Now I perceive my sensitivity as a precious gift and enjoy my delicate nature. I see it as my strength, not my curse or my weakness. This journey of healing and self-compassion, entailing simple yet effective natural healing practices led me to fully embody who I truly am. On my way, I found liberating freedom, an inner calmness, that fuels my creativity and gets me through the rough patches of everyday life.
I can sincerely say that deciding to go deep and devote myself to self-care practices rooted in compassion has utterly transformed my life for the better.
My illuminating mantra, the one that sustains my everyday life and well-being, is that I, myself, am fully responsible for my own happiness. It is no one else's chore.
This mantra can transform your life too and it all starts with a decision. The decision that from now on you and your well-being is a top priority. It is the only way to be there for others. The ripple effect of that Grand Decision will be nothing short of amazing, for everyone in your life as well. It will have a transformative positive effect on all your family members and friends, and wider. How beautiful is that!

Subscribe to my newsletter and I'll let you know as soon as my website, courses, and more healing art & poetry are ready! Self-Love courses and healing journeys will be available both in English and Icelandic.
Why work with me?
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"Sóley is a beacon of light. Through her radiance, she guides you through a path of education and awareness. She is one of my favourite guides. I’ve learned so much from her. She has enlightened me with her gifts. I look forward to our next encounter! "
~ JENNIFER ETTINGER, CANADA / Fitness and Lifestyle Expert, Best Selling Author, Social TV Correspondent,TV Host and National Brand Ambassador

“Helga Soley is a visionary, an empath and a wise woman. Her heart is in everything she does and the work she does is focused on healing the wounds of the past and present. She always has your best interest at heart. She is one of the kindest, most loving people that my mom and I have had the great pleasure of getting to know on our great adventure to Iceland which she had facilitated.”
~ STEPHANIE ATWOOD, CANADA / Founder & Owner at TRANQUILITY MATTERS - All Natural Homemade Beauty Products

“I had the soul-awakening pleasure of participating in Sóley’s 5 day seminar The Golden Octave. She is a radiant facilitator, naturally welcoming and armed with a wealth of knowledge and insights. She was able to connect with our diverse group of men and women at our own level, sharing her wisdom as if it was tailored to each one of us individually. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her."
~ RANIA WALKER, CANADA / Founder & CEO at FRONT DOOR PR - Integrated PR, Media, Branding, Marketing & Events
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Come with me on a soul journey, and together we'll kiss the clear blue sky and swim in the deepest depths. You are powerful beyond measure, and can be and do all you want!
I offer healing circles and 1:1 Healing Programs and Discovery Flow I call Soul Sistering, both on and offline.
Soul Sistering Online courses
available soon!
Subscribe to my newsletter and I'll let you know as soon as the courses are ready! (Soul Sistering courses will be available both in English and Icelandic)
The Three Threads
I offer Discovery and Empowerment centric Soul Sistering to women, and men, who feel a call to learn and lean into 'the ways and wisdom of the feminine power' (yin).
The embracing feminine path to wholeness (healing and freedom) also incorporates the understanding of the masculine principle (yang) and empowerment acts often associated with the sacred masculine. The path leads to harmonious understanding of these two forces and how they work together, at the same time we're moving our awareness into the center, where there is no separation, only understanding.
Ultimatley we are awakening to soul consciousness.
I also offer healing centric Soul Sistering to women who long to heal their sisterhood wounds.
And I offer marketing+vision centric Soul Sistering dedicated to femme-preneurs, wanting to realize their entrepreneurial dreams
My mission is to offer you healing guidance and inspiration by inviting you to slow dance with life ♡ and with yourself! Swaying to a deeper more sensuous rhythm in life offers us a rich embodied way to heal our emotional wounds and fully embrace our inner beauty and strength. Self-love is key to everything!
Together we will uncover the wisdom of your depths so you can enjoy a life of bounty and bliss, and shine like a diamond in the flesh! Whole. Sacred. I'll hold space and support you as you sense into your own rhythm with life so you can relax into spaciousness and ease.
Soul Journaling